Facebook’s New Treat

fbindiacolors Facebook, one of the best social networking sites, has come up with 2 new treats for its users. One is the awesomely cool Orkut Friends Importer and the other is Facebook in Indian Languages targeted to India. I would rather say both of these are targeted to Indians as Orkut’s traffic is primarily from India with 23.4% of the total site visitors (Source) out of which Chennai, Bangalore, Bombay and New Delhi are the toppers!

Importing Orkut Friends

  1. Login to your Facebook account
  2. You should be able to find an information box stating that you can import Orkut friends
  3. Click and Drag the ‘bookmarklet’ to your bookmarks toolbar
  4. Now, login to Orkut
  5. Click the ‘bookmarklet’ you just dragged & dropped
  6. Facebook will now allow you to select your orkut friends to be imported to Facebook
  7. Select your friends and choose to import
  8. Your orkut friends will now be sent an invitation to accept your friendship request on Facebook

Facebook in Indian Languages

Facebook is now available in six Indian Languages – Hindi, Punjabi, Bengali, Telugu, Tamil and Malayalam. This is available to Indian users, but, I guess international users can change through Language Settings.

To change your language

  1. Login to your Facebook account
  2. Select your preferred language from the combo-box
  3. Your interface language will now be changed to your preferred one


  1. Get in to your Facebook Language Settings
  2. Change your Language
  3. Your interface language will now be changed

Start using Facebook in your Mother-tongue! :)