Selectively Push your Twitter updates to Facebook

Update Facebook Status from Twitter - Are you on Facebook? Do you Twitter?My previous post on Pushing Twitter updates to Facebook should have helped you learn how to update your Facebook status with Twitter. This post is all about selectively pushing Twitter updates to Facebook, meaning, filtering out tweets. There are two Facebook applications that could help you push Twitter updates selectively.

  1. Selective Twitter Status
  2. TweetSync

Selective Twitter Status

Go to Selective Twitter Application page on Facebook, and click ‘Go to Application’. There’s nothing much to configure. Just key in your Twitter username and click ‘Save’, so that the application keeps watching your Twitter updates. From now, when your tweet ends with #fb, the application pushes those tweets to your Facebook profile (removing off #fb).

Example: If you tweet,

I’m checking out Selective Twitter Status #fb

…your Facebook status will be,

I’m checking out Selective Twitter Status

You can have the application display ‘follow <your_username>’ every time you update your status from Twitter. Also, the text, #fb can be used anywhere inside the tweet provided, you make necessary changes in the application settings page.

TweetSync Yakket

Update (21 Jan 2010) : TweetSync has been renamed to Yakket, as it was forced by Twitter >>.  Previous links have been updated to point to the new URLs.

TweetSync Yakket gives you more flexibility than Selective-Twitter Status.

  • Private Twitter account supported!
  • Filter out tweets containing @
  • Filter out ‘RTs’ and ‘via @’
  • Custom prefix & suffix
  • Strip out hash-tags
  • Keyword based filtering
    • Push tweets when you use the specified keyword(s)
    • Push tweets unless you use a specified keyword(s)
    • Sync with/without keywords

Requirements: Follow @yakket

Lets start! Visit Yakket Application page and click ‘Go to Application’. Follow @yakket.

If you have a private twitter account, you can use this link.

You’ll have to complete Step 1 in the application page by granting special permission to update your status. Once done, key in your Twitter username (Step 2). If you prefer to have keyword based filtering, you can add them there, separated by commas. In Step 3, you can choose to filter out ‘@’ messages, RTs/via messages or choose to prefix or add suffix to your tweets with a custom text and strip hash-tags.

Hope this article helped you. You can find me on Twitter (@JosephCS) and on Facebook (