Test your Site in Different Browsers & Screen Resolutions

A Screenshot of this blog on BrowsershotsEver wondered how your site/blog will appear for an Internet Explorer 4.0 user? Or for a Mozilla Firefox 0.9 user? Your site might look great on your Firefox 3.5 but it could look dreadful on Internet Explorer, due to the way IE renders your page. It obviously is impossible for a webmaster to fetch all versions of all browsers and to test their site one by one. Here, you find the use of BrowserShots. BrowserShots is a free and Open-Source service that makes screenshots of your site in different browsers starting from IE 4, Firefox 0.9, Opera 0.27 to the latest version available on different Operating Systems (Linux, Windows, Mac, BSD). You can also specify the Screen Resolution in pixels (640, 800, 1024, 1440, 1600, etc), Color Depth in pixels, JavaScript version and finally Java & Flash support. So, if you prefer to test your site with no Java & Flash support, you can choose to Disable them using the dropdown list-box available at the bottom of the page.

The homepage of BrowserShots describes itself as

Browsershots makes screenshots of your web design in different browsers. It is a free open-source online service created by Johann C. Rocholl. When you submit your web address, it will be added to the job queue. A number of distributed computers will open your website in their browser. Then they will make screenshots and upload them to the central server here.

To test your site,

  1. Open BrowserShots.org
  2. Key in the site address that you’d like to have a preview of.
  3. Select the browsers that you want under each OSes (Operating Systems)
  4. For custom Screen size, choose the pixels by clicking on the drop-down list box (optional)
  5. Choose the color depth (optional)
  6. Choose the JavaScript version or if you prefer not to have JavaScript support, click ‘Disabled’ (optional)
  7. Select your preference for Java & Flash support
  8. Once you are done, click ‘Submit’

BrowserShots will take some time to fetch screenshots and this could vary depending upon the quantity of browsers chosen. The page will automatically refresh to show you new screenshots. Clicking on it will take to a page that shows a zoomed version of it. You can also download a zipped copy of all the screenshots.