Get Twitter Follow Recommendations

Looking for more people to follow? With millions using Twitter, it really is impossible to find out and follow people you may like/people sharing the same interests. Basically, you can use the built-in search or invite your friends and follow them. But if you prefer to follow those you basically do not know, you can use Twubble. Twubble can help expand your Twitter base. It searches your friend base and picks out those you may like to follow.

The logic is simple, it fetches your friends (who you follow) using Twitter API and finds out the people they follow. If two or more of your friends follow a person, that person will be recommended to you. Say, you follow A and B and they(A & B) follow C, you will be recommended to follow C. There’s locality filter to filter out recommendations based on their geographic location.

Twubble - Twitter Recommendations

Just land on the Twubble page, click Find some friends, key in your Twitter username and password on the Twitter API Authorization window and that’s it! Twubble will now list you some recommendations. You can use the follow button available there to start following. There’s a Google icon too, clicking on it will do a search on Google with their Twitter name.

BTW, if you are a Twitter user, you can follow me @josephcs.