Get Notified when you’re Unfollowed on Twitter

Though Twitter notifies you when someone follows you, it’s pretty lazy to send out notifications when you are unfollowed. And if you are a Twitter freak, you will never expect your followers to unfollow you. Here’s a simple solution to find out who unfollows you, that takes no more than a minute and a couple of clicks.

Unfollow Notification

All you have to do is to follow Mr. Unfollowr (@unfollowr) (yes, there’s a typo) and your job is over. Every time someone unfollows you, you get a DM (Direct Message) mentioning the user who unfollowed you.

Also, Mr. Unfollowr will not follow you back, he’s always busy sending out DMs.

Twitter Unfollow Notifications via DM

NutshellMail is another service that mails you your new followers, quitters (unfollowers), @replies/mentions, DMs and latest tweets in a nutshell, daily.