‘Undo’ an email?

Ever ended up sending an email to a wrong recipient? Clicked ‘Send’ too soon? Forwarded a funny forward to Boss? ;) GMail, now has a solution! The very common ‘Undo’ finds its use here as well :) GMail’s ‘Undo’ feature, a part of Google Labs, allows you to undo an email (within the grace time)

To start Undo-ing your messages, all you have to do is enable the Undo module. Login to GMail, choose Settings -> Labs tab, find “Undo Send” and choose Enable. You are all done to start Undo-ing your messages :)

Enable Undo Send in Labs

Find it in action

Try sending an email to yourself. When you choose Send, you will be informed that the mail has been sent, with an Undo link displayed there. This Undo link will disappear in 4-5 seconds (grace time), which obviously means your mail has been sent to Google’s Mail Exchange and will reach your recipient(s) in few seconds.

Undo an Email

When you choose Undo, you will be prompted that sending has been undone and you will be brought back to Compose page.

Main Undone

Happy Undo-ing! :)